ewz produces district heating and cooling centrally and distributes it to buildings in the supply area via a pipeline network. The connected properties benefit from a secure supply and a high level of energy efficiency. All of these energy sources are renewable and locally available, so they don’t have to be imported.
With a connection to ewz district heating and cooling, we supply you with renewable energy for heating, hot water production and cooling.
The following variants are available:
If you switch your heating to a district heating connection, you can apply for subsidies. You can find more information at energiefranken.ch (in German).
We bear the financial and technical responsibility. You pay for the volume of energy purchased and the output power.
We monitor the supply to your property around the clock. You benefit from troubleshooting free of charge.
We supply you with energy from local renewable energy sources. They meet all legal requirements.
The link between your district heating and cooling system and your property’s heating and cooling system is the transfer station. This includes all the required technology, e.g. heat exchangers, energy meters and regulators. A calibrated meter measures and calculates the heat or cooling consumed.