Holistic supply concepts like these create valuable synergies – including across plots – and make it easier to plan long-term energy costs and achieve net zero climate protection targets.
As the property owner, building owner's representative or project developer, you define:
Based on these requirements and goals, we then develop a concept for the creation of a holistic, coordinated energy infrastructure.
Our experience is your gain. Thanks to hundreds of successfully completed projects throughout Switzerland, we can call on extensive expertise and a strong network of experts.
In the spirit of energy-as-a-service, we offer you holistic infrastructure solutions from a single source: from development and planning to implementation and efficient, safe operation throughout the service life of the property.
You decide whether you should bear the costs yourself, share them with us, or whether we should assume the financial and technical risks in full, without you having to incur any capital expenditure (CAPEX). Either way, you benefit from an efficient solution and long-term predictability of energy costs.
Maximum security of supply is guaranteed thanks to remote monitoring of the equipment and a 24/7 on-call service. This ensures satisfied tenants and users of your properties.
By combining and networking different technologies and services, we are able to create technical and organisational synergies and economic added value for your real estate projects (e.g. optimal coordination of production, storage and consumption). A good overview of this topic can be found in our white paper.