Our data-driven portfolio analysis provides you with a well-founded, standardised basis for deciding which options make the most economical and environmental sense for replacing heating systems and installing solar panels with or without a self-consumption model.
We have developed an innovative tool for this that links a wide range of open data information with our own data at building level – as a basis for calculating relevant KPIs. The resulting overview of all the buildings in your portfolio makes it possible to identify properties where appropriate measures are most worthwhile in terms of cost-effectiveness and improving their carbon footprint.
Overview and comparison of current and local heating systems for each property, including existing and planned district heating connection (CO2 emissions, life cycle costs).
Prioritisation of buildings where replacing a heating system makes the most environmental and economic sense.
Overview of the solar potential of the roofs and the local electricity/feed-in tariffs per property (profitability calculation for a solar panel with and without a ZEV).
Prioritisation of buildings where installing solar panels makes the most environmental and economic sense.
Services provided by ewz.wärmecheck and ewz.solarcheck. The combination of solar panels and heat pumps is also taken into account.
Prioritisation of buildings where installing solar panels, replacing heating systems and combining both makes the most environmental and economic sense.
The prices for ewz.wärmecheck and ewz.solarcheck are CHF 80 per EGID, excl. VAT. The price for ewz.immocheck is CHF 140 per EGID, excl. VAT.
Fast result and cost-effective procedure. Time-consuming initial assessments are no longer necessary.
Sound basis for making decisions about developing a sustainable property portfolio.
Automated linking and analysis of numerous data sources thanks to intelligent algorithms.
To carry out the portfolio analysis, we need the EGID (Swiss Federal Building Identifier) for each building. You can also add your own data as another option. Once the required data has been received, it will be quality-checked for completeness and plausibility. You will then receive the following within five working days: