Our white paper shows the environmental and economic added value of having components for heating, cooling and power supply, as well as mobility, all linked in an intelligent network. Integrated energy solutions are efficient, guarantee secure supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and costs.
Sites and complexes have the potential to cleverly combine densification with climate-adapted, resource-friendly construction and low-emission operation. They are characterised by their ability to use economical design concepts to create high-quality recreation and living space for lots of people in a relatively small space, while at the same time producing few greenhouse gases. Integrated energy solutions will enable property owners and investors, together with the energy industry, to make a significant contribution to Switzerland’s 2050 net zero target.
The aim of an integrated energy supply concept is to optimise the entire energy infrastructure. It should help to increase security of supply and the degree of self-sufficiency, while also maximising energy efficiency and the share of renewable energies. The interaction of different sectors such as power production, heating, cooling and mobility – often in combination with storage systems – enables the production and consumption of energy to be coordinated in the most optimal way.