As a private customer, you always have an overview of your current (previous day) power consumption in‘My ewz’. And thanks to our digital energy efficiency consulting, you can optimise your consumption and save energy and money.
After a transitional period, your electricity bill will be switched to consumption-based billing – there will be no more payments on account. Private customers will now receive an actual invoice every three months. Digital billing instead of paper billing? Register now
No one will need to come by to read your meter, because your consumption data will be transmitted automatically once a day.
We'll notify you about the date for changing your meter in good time by letter. In most cases, you don’t need to be there. If your presence is necessary, we will inform you in advance. It’s possible that your power will need to be switched off for around half an hour while the meter is being changed. This is a safety precaution to protect the electricians.
Join us for the smart meter rollout
You can view your smart meter consumption data in the ‘My ewz’ customer portal at any time. To do this, you’ll need access to ‘My account’ with the city of Zurich and your ewz customer number. You can find this on your ewz electricity bill, for example.
Once you've registered, if you can’t see the link to your consumption or an error message appears, please reload the page after a few minutes. Thank you for your understanding.
Please contact us by email at if ...
… we're allowed to set up separate access to the smart meter portal for business customers for you for the first time. To do this, please provide us with your customer data, including a list of the data you'd like to view (addresses or meter points).
…. or you're already a registered business customer and have other questions.
We comply with the data protection guidelines relating to smart meters that are set out in Art. 8d(2) of the Electricity Supply Act . The components of a smart meter system (hardware and software) have to meet strict data security requirements. The Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology METAS checks compliance and confirms this via certification.
In accordance with Art. 8d(2) Electricity Supply Act , without the data subject’s consent, smart meter data may only be shared with certain authorised stakeholders in pseudonymised or suitably aggregated form. The intended uses are regulated in Art. 8(3) Electricity Supply Act .
If none of the intended uses apply according to Art. 8 (3) Electricity Supply Act , data may only be shared with the consent of ewz customers.
Pseudonymisation is a mechanism that prevents personal data from being linked to a specific person without the use of additional information. Pseudonymised data is still personal data that is subject to data protection law.
As part of a free tender, smart meter types eRS301 and eRS801 by the company Ensor in Cham were chosen. The smart meter software comes from the company Netinium, based in the Netherlands. The company Semax, also located in Cham, was chosen as the system integrator.
Our meters go through a complex certification process conducted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology METAS and therefore meet the highest possible standards.
Meters by other providers may, however, be added during the course of the rollout.
Communication between the smart meters and ewz is encrypted to ensure data security. We use the ewz.zürinet fibre optic network to communicate with the meters, and do not use any devices that cause high levels of interference or radiation to communicate with the meters. If a fibre optic connection (ewz.zürinet) is not possible, a wireless or ADSL communication solution is used.
The smart meter system has various components:
The smart meters are responsible for recording the energy consumption. A communication module is used to transmit the data to us from the meters. This connects the smart meter to the ewz.zürinet fibre optic network via a fibre optic socket. The meter readings are received by a software system, encrypted and provided for billing purposes.
This interface allows you to read your consumption data in a greater degree of detail.
Please contact so that we can activate the customer interface for your smart meter.
You will also need an adaptor, software and a communication link so that the data can be transmitted to your tablet, smart phone or PC.
Please note: ewz is not permitted to advise you about adaptors, software and connections or to sell or install products!
The manufacturer of our smart meters has compiled relevant information for you on this page.