The successful construction and operation of infrastructure and the provision of new services require close cooperation with ewz’s various stakeholders. Customers, employees, owners, authorities and the general public at all ewz locations are our most important stakeholders. We maintain a continuous dialogue with all stakeholders and integrate their needs and expectations into the development of products and services.
Our industry is in a phase of technological transformation and intensifying competition. Particularly in the fields of engineering and electrical installation, ewz is severely affected by the shortage of skilled workers. With excellent working conditions, we increase our attractiveness as an employer and at the same time promote the preservation and enhancement of expertise within the company. The ewz career model makes specialist, management and project careers into paths of equal validity with numerous development opportunities for all.
Internal education and training provided by the ewz academy and training offered by the city of Zurich offer our employees numerous opportunities, both online and in person. It is also possible to attend external training courses. In order to secure our pipeline of top performers, we identify and develop new talents in annual succession and talent rounds. Participants benefit from development opportunities within the company, for example by taking on more complex activities.
As an employer, we offer a safe and healthy working environment. All employees also have access to opportunities that promote their well-being. We are also committed to eliminating hazards at work. Managers and employees receive regular training – with the aim of ensuring safe conduct with hazards and preventing accidents. Employees who are exposed to particular occupational hazards also require special training. This requirement applies, for example, to persons working on live installations and transmission lines. In the field of occupational safety, we are striving to reduce the number of occupational injuries to 28.
We promote and demand diversity in the sense of equality and equal opportunities. The focus is on generational management, compatibility of work and private life, targeted support for women and inclusion of people with disabilities. We do not tolerate discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, origin, language, religion, disability or other individual characteristics. In the event of a conflict, all employees have a neutral, trusted person available to assist them. As a benchmark, we want to increase the share of women in the company and in management to 25% by 2025.